
Harrick PlasmaPolymers

Plasma cleaning is an essential technique used to modify and enhance the surface properties of polymers, making them more suitable for various applications. Plasma removes organic contamination, alters surface energy, and introduces functional groups that improve adhesion and interaction with other materials. Plasma cleaning is widely used for treating different types of polymers, including PDMS, polystyrene, PET, PCL, and PMMA, each with unique benefits and applications.

Learn more about how plasma treatment is used for your specific application in the following application notes: 

3D Printing

3D Printing

3D printing is ubiquitous in modern professional and academic laboratories, where researchers continue to find innovative applications. Its essential function is to rapidly provide complex 3D structures with high precision. The technology is now...

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Cell Adhesion

Cell Adhesion

Cell adhesion plays an integral role in cell culture and tissue engineering. In the native environment, cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) bind to the extracellular matrix and neighboring cells to provide structural support and chemical cues vital for...

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Harrick Plasma is a leading supplier of plasma equipment to the research community. We have been providing quality tabletop plasma devices specifically designed for laboratory and R&D use for over 30 years.