Sample Preparation

Harrick PlasmaSample Preparation

Plasma treatment is essential in sample preparation across various scientific fields. It effectively cleans surfaces by removing organic contaminants, leaving behind a pristine, reactive surface ideal for subsequent procedures. This is crucial in applications like coating, bonding, or modifying material surfaces, ensuring enhanced adhesion and consistency. Plasma treatment also introduces functional groups to surfaces, which is beneficial for applications requiring precise chemical modifications. By improving surface energy and cleanliness, plasma treatment enhances the reliability and accuracy of experimental results, making it a vital step in preparing samples for advanced analysis and research.

Learn more about how plasma treatment is used for your specific application in the following application notes: 

DNA Combing

DNA Combing

DNA Combing, a technique used in the analysis of single molecules of DNA, offers researchers an opportunity to better understand the dynamics of replication, transcription and individual molecule interactions. While advances in DNA sequencing...

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Harrick Plasma is a leading supplier of plasma equipment to the research community. We have been providing quality tabletop plasma devices specifically designed for laboratory and R&D use for over 30 years.