Cell Culture

Harrick PlasmaCell Culture

Cells are anchorage dependent, relying on their connections with other cells, the extracellular matrix (ECM) and/or substrates to control vital functions. Plasma treatment can be used to modify material surfaces to present biologically relevant carbonyl, hydroxyl or amine containing functional groups (depending on the process gas) suitable for cell adhesion, biomolecule immobilization, or improved biocompatibility.

Biomaterials are typically chosen for their chemical inertness and low surface energies. However, these properties can also make it difficult to effectively apply functional coatings or facilitate desirable interactions with cells and other surfaces. The removal of nanoscale organic contamination and surface activation with polar functional groups enhances the adhesion of water-based films and ultimately improves the functionality and biocompatibility of material surfaces.

Benefits of Plasma Cleaning in Cell Culture

  • Biocompatibility: Introduce bioactive functional groups to material surfaces to improve biocompatibility and improve cell culture outcomes
  • Cell Adhesion: Tune cell culture substrates surface chemistry to improve cell adhesion, and positively impact viability, proliferation, and function
  • Nanoscale Cleaning: Plasma cleaning removes nanoscale organic contamination from cell culture substrates
  • Versatility: Many materials can be treated with plasma to improve cull culture, including glass, polymers, metals, and more

For more information on your specific cell culture applications, please see the following application notes:

Cell Adhesion

Cell Adhesion

Cell adhesion plays an integral role in cell culture and tissue engineering. In the native environment, cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) bind to the extracellular matrix and neighboring cells to provide structural support and chemical cues vital for...

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(3-Aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (APTES), an aminosilane originally developed as an adsorbent for affinity chromatography, has developed into a versatile tool for improving surface chemistry in cell studies and microfluidic device fabrication....

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Harrick Plasma is a leading supplier of plasma equipment to the research community. We have been providing quality tabletop plasma devices specifically designed for laboratory and R&D use for over 30 years.