Battery Research

Battery Research

Harrick Plasma → Applications Recent advances in battery research have made lithium-ion batteries a mainstay of electric vehicles, smartphones, and grid-scale energy storage. Lithium-ion batteries contain several major components. A positively charged region (cathode)...
Programming Naive T Cells

Programming Naive T Cells

Harrick Plasma → News & Research → Research Adoptive T cell therapy (or T-cell transfer therapy) is an emerging immunotherapy with the potential to improve outcomes for late-stage cancer patients. The technique relies on programming naïve T cells to induce...


Harrick Plasma → You searched for 2023 Photocatalysis is a process where light energy, usually from ultraviolet (UV) sources, is used to accelerate a chemical reaction through the activation of a catalyst. The ability to degrade harmful substances and improve material...

Harrick Plasma is a leading supplier of plasma equipment to the research community. We have been providing quality tabletop plasma devices specifically designed for laboratory and R&D use for over 30 years.