Surface Patterning
Plasma can be employed in various ways to facilitate surface patterning, which is often a required processing step for the fabrication of multilayer devices, such as solar cells, sensors, and microfluidic chips. Plasma treatment can enhance surface wettability of substrates and templates to improve pattern transfer during contact printing and self-assembly. Plasma etching can selectively remove polymer thin films and 2D organic materials through a masking layer and can also be used to tune the feature size of polymer templates for fabricating patterned nanostructure arrays. This page provides brief summaries on the application of plasma treatment for surface patterning.

Plasma Treatment & Resin Bond Strength in Dental Ceramics
A Harrick Plasma cleaner was recently highlighted at the 49th Annual Session of the American College of Prosthodontists (Oct 30 - Nov 2, 2019) in Miami, FL by researchers from the U.S. Army Advanced Education in Prosthodontics. The poster, titled...
Titanium Implants
Plasma treatment is used to tailor titanium and titanium alloy surface properties for improved osseointegration in dental and orthopedic implant research. Titanium is a well-known and frequently used implant biomaterial due to its biocompatibility,...
Featured Distributor: Alpha Science
Harrick Plasma is happy to announce a new exclusive distributor relationship with Alpha Science in South Korea. Centrally located in Seoul, Alpha Science offers improved customer service and support for Korean universities, national research...
Featured User: Fesarius Therapeutics
Harrick Plasma is excited to partner with FesariusTherapeutics Inc., maker of DermiSpere™, a dermal regeneration scaffold that promises game-changing efficacy in a $5 billion addressable market. DermiSphere utilizes patented collagen microsphere...
TiO2 Nanostructures for Solar Cells
Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) have been heavily investigated as a promising low-cost alternative to silicon-based solar cells. A combination of TiCl4 chemical and O2 plasma treatment has been studied to improve the performance of DSSCs based on...