Surface Patterning

Harrick PlasmaApplicationsSurface Patterning

Plasma can be employed in various ways to facilitate surface patterning, which is often a required processing step for the fabrication of multilayer devices, such as solar cells, sensors, and microfluidic chips. Plasma treatment can enhance surface wettability of substrates and templates to improve pattern transfer during contact printing and self-assembly. Plasma etching can selectively remove polymer thin films and 2D organic materials through a masking layer and can also be used to tune the feature size of polymer templates for fabricating patterned nanostructure arrays. This page provides brief summaries on the application of plasma treatment for surface patterning.

Battery Research

Battery Research

Recent advances in battery research have made lithium-ion batteries a mainstay of electric vehicles, smartphones, and grid-scale energy storage. Lithium-ion batteries contain several major components. A positively charged region (cathode) stores...

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Programming Naive T Cells

Programming Naive T Cells

Adoptive T cell therapy (or T-cell transfer therapy) is an emerging immunotherapy with the potential to improve outcomes for late-stage cancer patients. The technique relies on programming naïve T cells to induce therapeutic responses directly in...

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Photocatalysis is a process where light energy, usually from ultraviolet (UV) sources, is used to accelerate a chemical reaction through the activation of a catalyst. The ability to degrade harmful substances and improve material properties under...

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Harrick Plasma is a leading supplier of plasma equipment to the research community. We have been providing quality tabletop plasma devices specifically designed for laboratory and R&D use for over 30 years.